Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Colossians Panorama Report

Colossians Panorama Report

Q 1. What is the situation (or situations) that Paul appears to be addressing in the letter? In other words, what is the occasion Paul is responding to?2. Highlight at least four major themes that are developed in the letter (You need to have clear, complete statements with some elaboration [not bullet-points])?3. In no more than three sentences, describe what you perceive to be the central message of this letter:4. What did you notice, or what struck you, regarding the content of the letter after reading it in one sitting?

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In the letter to the Colossians, Paul is addressing the situation of the people of Colossae as they were following false doctrines and false beliefs like Stoicheia was something which was existing in the region of Colossae. Paul was worried about people continuing to believe in stoicheia and the different elemental spirits with early pagan beliefs. Therefore, Paul wanted to make the Colossians aware of Jesus Christ. Paul is responding to the situation of humanity falling prey into the hands of false doctrines and false philosophical beliefs like superstitions.